Grant Regional | aspire to live well | Winter 2020

is published as a community service for the friends and patrons of GRANT REGIONAL HEALTH CENTER, 507 S. Monroe St., Lancaster, WI 53813, telephone 608-723-2143, . Information in ASPIRE TO LIVE WELL comes from a wide range of medical experts. If you have any concerns or questions about specific content that may affect your health, please contact your health care provider. Models may be used in photos and illustrations. 2020 © Coffey Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Dave Smith President/CEO Dawn Bandy Chief Financial Officer Tami Chambers Chief Clinical Officer Gretta McKelvey Dir. of Regulatory Compliance/Clinical Services Stacy Martin Human Resources Rochelle Williams Marketing WINTER 2020 >> health NEWS The benefits of breast milk When it comes to babies, you may have heard the phrase “breast is best.” And that is true: Breast milk provides a lot of the nutrients little ones need to be healthy. It also helps babies de- velop immunity to illnesses like ear infections and colds, and it lowers the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Those are just some of the reasons why the American Academy of Pediatrics recom- mends that babies be fed only breast milk for at least the first six months of their lives. Whether you choose to breastfeed your baby is en- tirely up to you, of course. But keep in mind that you will ben- efit from breastfeeding too. Breastfeeding may help you recover from childbirth faster as well as help you shed extra pregnancy pounds. And it may lower your future risk for breast and ovarian cancers and some other serious diseases. But perhaps best of all: Breastfeeding can help you bond with your baby. A good night’s sleep: 5 tips to help your child get one Most parents know from experience how lost sleep can transform even the sunniest child into a cranky one. And that alone may be a big enough incentive to see that your child gets sufficient shut-eye. But there are other, more serious reasons to be sure kids are well-rested. Regular sleep deprivation can also make it hard for kids to focus and function. And it can lead to health problems like obesity, high blood pressure, headaches and depression. These five tips can help kids develop good sleep habits: 1 Make enough ZZZs a family focus. Don’t let busy schedules, including yours, crowd out sleep. 2 Strive for a routine. Try to keep bed, wake-up and nap times consistent, even on weekends and vacations. 3 See that your child is active during the day. The stimulation of interesting, varied activities—such as sports and active play—helps kids sleep well. 4 Set a digital curfew. The blue light from smartphones, tablets and other elec- tronic devices inhibits the release of melatonin, a slumber-inducing hormone. So the entire family should unplug at night—ideally, at least an hour before bedtime. 5 Ease bedtime with a ritual. Tuck in younger children with a kiss and a favorite story. Encourage older ones to nod off with something soothing—say, a warm bath or a good book. Sources: American Academy of Pediatrics; American Academy of Sleep Medicine; National Sleep Foundation Ah, the thrill of swooshing through fresh powder on skis or a snowboard. If you love winter sports, do enjoy. But for safety’s sake, please wear a helmet. In the event of a fall or a collision, a helmet will help cushion your head against a serious blow—reducing your risk for permanent brain damage. That’s why experts recommend that you wear a helmet when you hit the slopes. If you need to buy a helmet, look for one that is intended for skiing. The helmet should fit snugly—it shouldn’t slide around on your head in any direction. Source: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Hitting the slopes? Get—and wear—a helmet 2 WINTER 2020